Administration Committee to hold first public evidence session for communications and engagement inquiry
2 June 2023
The House of Commons Administration Committee has announced a series of public evidence sessions, as part of its inquiry into the communications and engagement services provided by the House of Commons Administration.
- Watch Parliament TV: Communications and engagement services provided by the House of Commons Administration
- Inquiry: Communications and engagement services provided by the House of Commons Administration
- Administration Committee
The first evidence session will take place on Monday 5 June at 4.40pm, and the cross-party Committee of MPs will hear from experts in Parliamentary studies and engagement, as well as from journalists based in the Palace of Westminster.
Monday 5 June 2022, Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster
At 4.40pm
- Professor Philip Norton, Baron Norton of Louth - a professor of government in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Hull and Member of the House of Lords.
- Professor Meg Russell – a professor of British and Comparative Politics and Director of the Constitution Unit at University College London (UCL)
- Mark D’Arcy – Parliamentary Correspondent for BBC News
The inquiry is an opportunity for the Committee to examine how communications and engagement experts in the House of Commons can promote the wide range of facilities the House Administration provides to Members and the public.
Members of the Committee are keen to explore how the House Administration can increase understanding of the scrutiny that MPs do both in the Chamber and in committees, as well as a chance to investigate the role of the House’s communications in contributing to the perception of, and sentiment towards, Parliamentary democracy.
Further evidence sessions
Additional public evidence sessions have been scheduled for Monday 12 June, with further information to be announced in due course.
The Committee continues to accept written evidence, which should be submitted by 19 June 2023.
Further information
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