Findings from research on new MPs' experiences published
1 August 2018
The Administration Committee publishes findings from research on new MPs' experiences of induction and services at the 2017 General Election.
- Read the full report on Election planning and Services and the Evaluation Report of New Members' Induction (pdf, 957KB)
- Read IPSA's response to recommendations addressed to IPSA in the report (pdf, 407KB)
The House Service conducted research among new Members of Parliament some seven months after the 2017 Election to find out their views and experiences as newly elected MPs (and those of their staff) on the induction they received, how they are using the House services and any suggestions for things the House could do differently in future. The Evaluation Report validates and builds on the findings of the Committee's 2017 Election Planning and Services Report, which looked at the induction of Members at the 2015 Election.
Sir Paul Beresford, Chair of the House of Commons Administration Committee:
The findings of this research reflect the impressive degree to which the welcome and services offered to new MPs have improved from election to election – even between 2015 and 2017. They also provide fresh impetus to the work on tailoring the provision of information and services to the evolving needs of newly elected MPs. Benefits of doing this include supporting MPs to start working on behalf of their constituents quickly and effectively. The Committee will continue to consider updates from the House Service and the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) on progress towards implementing the Committee's remaining recommendations before the next General Election. If you have comments on the services delivered for the 2017 Election please share them with the Chair of the General Election Planning Group, Sarah Davies, at
Chair of General Election Planning Group comments:
Sarah Davies, Chair of the General Election Planning Group:
We welcome this Evaluation Report which picks up themes identified by the previous Administration Committee in its 2017 Report on Election planning and services, to which the House service responded in January 2018. The General Election Planning Group continue to review the services we provide to new Members and their staff following by-elections and at general elections, working collaboratively with the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA). This Report provides us with useful evidence and insights which we will build into our planning.
Further information
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