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Sir Paul Beresford elected Chair of the Administration Committee

7 November 2017

Sir Paul Beresford elected as Chair.

At its first meeting on 6 November the Committee elected from among its membership Sir Paul Beresford as Chair of the Committee.

Sir Paul has served as a House of Commons Commissioner and Chair of the Committee since July 2015 and has been involved in shaping the administration and procedures of the House of Commons over several Parliaments. Having joined the House in 1992, Sir Paul served on the Procedure Committee from 1997 to 2001, and on the Standards and Privileges Committee from 2010; and as a member of the separate Standards and Privileges committees after the combined committee was split in January 2013.

In the 2010 Parliament, Sir Paul was also a member of the Finance and Service Committee (now the Finance Committee). That Committee looks at expenditure on, and the administration of, services for the House of Commons: conducting detailed scrutiny of the House's budgets.

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