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European Union Committee publishes series of reports on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement

22 March 2021

The House of Lords EU Committee is this week publishing a series of five reports looking beyond Brexit to the UK’s future relationship with the EU, as established in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. 


On 24 December 2020, four and a half years after the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, negotiators representing the two sides finally agreed the terms of the future UK-EU relationship and published the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).

The approval and ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement allowed the UK to leave the EU on 31 January 2020, entering into a transition period of 11 months, during which the UK and EU negotiated the terms of their future relationship. The result of these negotiations was the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, but this has not yet been ratified and is subject to provisional application until 30 April 2021.

The reports

On Monday 22 March 2021, the European Union Committee is publishing the first report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreements, focusing on the cross-cutting provisions of the TCA, particularly those relating to governance and dispute resolution. The report ‘Beyond Brexit: the institutional framework is available now:

On Tuesday 23 March 2021, the EU Environment Sub-Committee published a report on the impact of the TCA on food, environment, energy and health. 

On Wednesday 24 March 2021, the EU Services Sub-Committee is publishing a report on the UK-EU future relationship on trade in services, looking particularly at the impact of the TCA. 

On Thursday 25 March 2021, the EU Goods Sub-Committee is publishing a report on what the TCA means for the trade in goods between the UK and EU.

On Friday 26 March 2021, the EU Security and Justice Sub-Committee is publishing a report on the main provisions of Part Three of the TCA setting out how the UK, as a third country outside the EU, will continue to collaborate with the EU 27 on a range of policing and criminal justice mechanisms.

Further information