Committee news

It’s time for tough decisions to tackle our national debt
Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report on the sustainability of the national debt
10 September 2024

House of Lords committees following dissolution
Following the dissolution of Parliament on 30 May 2024, all select committees have ceased to exist.
30 May 2024

Economic Affairs Committee launches new inquiry on the sustainability of the UK’s national debt
Economic Affairs Committee launches new inquiry on sustainability of the national debt
8 December 2023

Reforms needed to improve the Bank of England’s performance and accountability, says new Lords report
Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report 'Making an independent Bank of England work better'.
27 November 2023

The Bank of England: how is independence working? Economic Affairs Committee launches inquiry
Economic Affairs Committee launches inquiry into how the independence of the Bank of England is working.
3 March 2023

Early retirement and our ageing population are causing labour shortages, says Lords report
Economic Affairs Committee publishes report into the UK labour supply
20 December 2022

Where have all the workers gone? Economic Affairs Committee launches new inquiry
Economic Affairs Committee launches new inquiry on labour shortages
28 July 2022

Energy security and net zero delivery plan needed, says Lords report
Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report 'Investing in energy: price, security, and the transition to net zero'
21 July 2022

Energy supply and investment inquiry launched by Economic Affairs Committee
Economic Affairs Committee launch inquiry into UK energy supply and investment
10 February 2022

Central bank digital currencies: a solution in search of a problem? Report published
Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report on Central bank digital currencies.
13 January 2022

Central Bank Digital Currencies inquiry launched by Lords Economic Affairs Committee
Economic Affairs Committee launches inquiry on Central Bank Digital Currencies
17 September 2021

Bank of England must spell out the risks of quantitative easing, says Lords report
The Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report ‘Quantitative easing: a dangerous addiction?’
16 July 2021

Quantitative Easing inquiry launched by Lords Economic Affairs Committee
Economic Affairs Committee launch new inquiry into quantitative easing
27 January 2021

Social care funding report debated in House of Lords
Lords debate 'Social care funding: time to end a national scandal' report
26 January 2021

New job creation plan needed to prevent New Year spike in unemployment
The Economic Affairs Committee publishes its report ‘Employment and COVID-19: time for a new deal’.
14 December 2020

Tax avoidance measures and new tax checks to be investigated by Lords committee
The Finance Bill Sub-Committee issue call for evidence
16 September 2020

How should the UK protect and create jobs amidst COVID-19?
4 September 2020

Employment and COVID-19 inquiry launched by Lords Economic Affairs Committee
Inquiry on employment and COVID-19 launched by Lords Committee
3 August 2020

Substantial reform of Universal Credit needed to protect the most vulnerable
Lords Committee report calling for reform of Universal Credit published
31 July 2020

Report on Universal Credit will publish this Friday
The Economic Affairs Committee report on Universal Credit will publish on Friday 31 July
27 July 2020
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