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Chronological list of LROs

9 November 2020

Session 2022-23

(Provision of Information etc. Relating to Disabilities), 3rd Report, draft Order, Explanatory Document

Session 2021-22

(Renewal of National Radio Multilex Licences) 21st Report, draft Order, Explanatory Document

Session 2019-21

(Renewal of Radio Licences), 20th Report, draft Order, Explanatory Document

Session 17-19

(Horserace Betting Levy), 41st Report38th Reportdraft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment, Instrument withdrawn 29 January 2019, 47th Report

(Regulator of Social Housing) (England), Report, draft Order, Explanatory Document

(Constitution of the Council of the Royal Veterinary Surgeons), Report, draft Order, Explanatory Document

Session 16-17

(Private Fund Limited Partnerships), Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment 

Session 15-16

(Exempt Lotteries), Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment

(Duchy of Lancaster), Report, Draft Order, Draft Order Correction, Explanatory Document (pdf 259KB) (pdf, 259KB), Letter from Cabinet Office on Explanatory Document (pdf 97KB) (pdf, 97KB).

(Further Renewal of Radio Licences), Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document (pdf 154KB) (pdf, 154KB), Impact Assessment (pdf 156KB) (pdf, 156KB).

(Combined Authorities and Economic Prosperity Boards) (England), ReportDraft Order, Explanatory DocumentInstrument Withdrawn 13 July 2015.

Session 14-15

(Exempt Lotteries), Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment (pdf 157KB) (pdf, 157KB). Instrument Withdrawn, 3 March 2015.

(Community Governance Reviews), Report, Draft Order (pdf 42KB) (pdf, 42KB), Explanatory Document (pdf 154KB) (pdf, 154KB). Report on Government Response. Debate, 23 March 2015. Motion to approve, 25 March 2015.

(Entertainment Licensing), Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment. Debate, 17 November 2014. Motion to approve, 19 November 2014. 

(Patents), 1st Report, Draft Order, Explanatory Document, Impact Assessment. Debate, 9 July 2014. Motion to approve, 14 July 2014.

Session 13-14

(Clinical Commissioning Groups), 26th ReportDraft Order, Explanatory Document (pdf 111KB) (pdf, 111KB), Impact Assessment (pdf 1.9MB) (pdf 1.9MB) (pdf 1.9MB) (pdf 1.9MB) (pdf 1.9MB) (pdf, 2MB), Debate, 24 June 2014. Motion to approve, 30 June 2014.

(Regulation of Providers of Social Work Services) (England and Wales) 3rd Report, 7th Report, Explanatory Document (docx 53KB) (docx, 53KB), Impact Assessment (docx 26KB) (docx, 26KB) and Government Response (pdf 136KB) (pdf, 136KB). Withdrawn, 24 October 2013.

(Payments by Parish Councils, Community Councils and Charter Trustees) Order 2013 15th Report, Explanatory Document (pdf 120KB) (pdf, 120KB).

(Overseas Registration of Births and Deaths) Order 2014 18th Report, Explanatory Document (pdf 585KB) (pdf, 585KB) and Impact Assessment (doc 240KB) (doc, 240KB), Debate, 4 Febrauary 2014. Motion to approve, 10 February 2014.

Session 12-13

(Hallmarking) 10th Report, Explanatory Document and Impact Assessment. Debate, 29 January 2013. Motion to approve, 4 February 2013.

(Constitution of Veterinary Surgeons Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees) 9th Report, Explanatory Document and Impact Assessment. Debate, 10 January 2013. Motion to approve, 16 January 2013.

(Annual Review of Local Authorities) 1st Report. Debate, 12 July 2012. Motion to approve, 16 July 2012.

Session 10-12

(Industrial and Provident Societies and Credit Unions)   18th Report (2nd stage super-affirmative). Motion to approve, 20 October 2011.

(Epping Forest) 14th Report. Evidence submitted by Save Wanstead Flats (pdf 135KB) (pdf, 135KB). Evidence submitted by Dr Pelling (pdf 237KB) (pdf, 237KB). Debate, 12 July 2011. Motion to approve, 14 July 2011.

(Civil Partnership) 4th Report. Debate, 7 February 2011. Motion to approve, 15 February 2011.

Session 09-10

(Insolvency) (Miscellaneous Provisions) First Report. Debate, 15 December 2009. Motion to approve, 16 December 2009.

(Dangerous Wild Animals) (Licensing) 3rd Report. Debate, 2 March 2010. Motion to approve, 9 March 2010.

(Industrial and Provident Societies and Credit Unions) 8th Report. (1st-stage super-affirmative).

(Licensing) (Interim Authority Notices etc.) 8th Report. Debate, 13 July 2010. Motion to approve, 19 July 2010.

Session 08-09

(Insolvency) (Advertising Requirements) First Report. Motion to approve, 2 April 2009.

(Minor Variations to Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) 2nd Report (1st-stage super-affirmative).

(Supervision of Alcohol Sales in Church and Village Halls &c.) 2nd Report. Debate to approve, 18 March 2009.

(Local Government) (Animal Health Functions) 6th Report. (Negative procedure; no approval motion needed). 

(Minor Variations to Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) 7th Report. Motion to approve, 15 June 2009 .

(Insolvency) (Miscellaneous Provisions) 9th Report . (1st-stage super-affirmative).

(Limited Partnerships) 10th Report. Debate to approve, 15 July 2009. Motion to approve, 21 July 2009 .

(Dangerous Wild Animals) (Licensing) 11th Report  & 13 Report. (1st-stage super-affirmative).

(Revocation of Prescribed Form of Penalty Notice for Disorderly Behaviour) 13th Report . Debate, 15 December 2009.  Motion to approve, 16 December 2009.

Session 2007-08

(Local Authority Consent Requirements) (England and Wales) First Report. Debate, 13 December 2007. (1st-stage super-affirmative).

(Health and Safety Executive) 6th Report. Debate, 25 March, Motion to approve, 31 March 2008.

(Consumer Credit) 12th Report. Debate to approve, 8 October 2008

(Local Authority Consent Requirements) (England and Wales) 12th Report. Motion to approve, 23 October 2008.

(Lloyd's) 13th Report. Debate, 12 November 2008, Motion to approve, 17 November 2008.