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Constitution Committee calls for evidence on the future governance of the United Kingdom

19 March 2021

The Constitution Committee would like your views on how power can be best shared within the UK to establish stable and effective governance arrangements throughout the UK for the 21st century.

Inquiry Background

The House of Lords Constitution Committee is conducting an inquiry into the future governance of the United Kingdom. It is exploring how power can best be shared within the UK to establish stable and effective governance arrangements throughout the UK for the 21st century.


These are some of the questions we would like your views on, but the Committee welcomes written submissions on any aspect of this topic, and particularly on the issues and questions set out in the call for evidence.

  • Is the current balance of powers within the UK optimal or does power need to be shared differently? 
  • What are the current challenges for multi-level governance in the UK and how can these be addressed?
  • Should there be a greater degree of devolution within England and, if so, how should these arrangements relate to the UK as a whole?
  • How well understood is the UK’s common purpose and what impact does this have on democratic accountability?
  • How effective are the current funding arrangements for the UK?


The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 30 April 2021.