Older evidence Communications and Digital Committee Help using the search Title, paper number, or keyword(s) Date from Date until Select session Search Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page. Total results 25 (page 2 of 2) First« Previous‹ 1 2 The Future of Investigative Journalism - Evidence Get FileOpen PDFOpens in new window Inquiry The future of investigative journalismPublished 18 October 2011Older evidence BBC governance and regulation - oral evidence with associated written evidence Get FileOpen PDFOpens in new window Inquiry Governance and regulation of the BBCPublished 1 July 2011Older evidence BBC governance and regulation - oral evidence with associated written evidence Get FileOpen PDFOpens in new window Inquiry Governance and regulation of the BBCPublished 29 June 2011Older evidence BBC governance and regulation - Written Evidence Get FileOpen PDFOpens in new window Inquiry Governance and regulation of the BBCPublished 6 April 2011Older evidence Regulation of Television Advertising - Written Evidence Get FileOpen PDFOpens in new window Inquiry Regulation of television advertisingPublished 13 October 2010Older evidence Total results 25 (page 2 of 2) First« Previous‹ 1 2