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Science, Innovation and Technology Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 592 (page 11 of 30)
Correspondence from Professor Wei Shen Lim to the Chair relating to follow up evidence on vaccinations
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from the Chair to Baroness Harding regarding follow up evidence
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from the Chair to Rt Hon Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, regarding follow up evidence
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from Nadhim Zahawi MP, Minister for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment, relating to follow up evidence
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from Dr Clive Dix, Interim Chair UK Vaccine Taskforce, to the Chair relating to COVID Vaccine Effectiveness
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from the Chair to Dr Clive Dix, Interim Chair UK Vaccine Taskforce, 23 December 2020
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
Correspondence from the Prime Minister to the Chairs of the Science & Technology Committee and HCLG Committee re Covid-19 contact tracking and tracing
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
Correspondence from Rt Hon Oliver Dowden MP to the Chair, relating to the 5G Diversification strategy
Inquiry UK telecommunications infrastructure and the UK’s domestic capability
HC 450
Correspondence from CaSE to the Chair relating to research and innovation
Inquiry The role of technology, research and innovation in the COVID-19 recovery
Correspondence from Baroness Dido Harding regarding oral evidence follow-up
Inquiry Coronavirus: lessons learnt
Correspondence from the Chair to Rt Hon Oliver Dowden MP, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, relating to Telecoms Diversification
Inquiry UK telecommunications infrastructure and the UK’s domestic capability
HC 450
Correspondence from Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, to the Chair regarding follow up evidence
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, to the Chair regarding COVID-19 National Core Studies
Correspondence from the Chair to Dominic Cummings re invitation to give oral evidence
Inquiry A new UK research funding agency
Correspondence from Chloe Smith MP, Minister of State for the Constitution and Devolution, to the Chair re invitation for Dominic Cummings to give oral evidence
Inquiry A new UK research funding agency
Correspondence from Professor Chris Whitty to the chair, re clarification of oral evidence on 3 November 2020
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
Correspondence from the Chair to Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP relating to the Vaccine Manufacturing Sites
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from the Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP to the Chair regarding the Vaccine Manufacturing Sites
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from Baroness Dido Harding to the Chair regarding the technical issue around case uploads
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
HC 136
Correspondence from Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, regarding child care support bubble, self isolation and the 10pm curfew
Inquiry UK Science, Research and Technology Capability and Influence in Global Disease Outbreaks
Total results 592 (page 11 of 30)