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7 September 2014

Taxation is a one of the key areas of enquiry for the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts (PAC), as the Committee has a role in scrutinising value for money, the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public spending and holds the government and its civil servants to account for public services.

As HM Revenue & Customs' (HMRC) mission is to collect the money that pays for the UK's public services and help families and individuals with targeted financial support and it aims to administer the tax system in an efficient way, the Committee has an important role in ensuring that HMRC is doing its utmost to achieve this effectively and to the benefit of all taxpayers.

The Committee of Public Accounts has therefore routinely scrutinised HM Revenue and Customs' ability to collect taxes fairly and efficiently; exposed concerns about the tax planning industry; and contributed to the debate on the way in which multinational organisations arrange their tax affairs.

Global Tax Transparency Summit

In December 2016, the Committee of Public Accounts is hosting the first Global Tax Transparency Summit in London, in response to calls to bring together Parliaments from across the world to promote tax transparency and prevent tax avoidance.

Previous Reports

Below are the Committee's reports on taxation since 2012.

Session 2012–13

Nineteenth Report: HM Revenue & Customs: Annual Report and Accounts 2011–12PDF 980KB
Twenty-ninth Report: Tax avoidance, tackling marketed avoidance schemesPDF 532KB
Forty-fourth Report: Tax avoidance, the role of large accountancy firmsPDF 528KB

Session 2013–14

Seventh Report: Charity Commission: the Cup Trust and tax avoidancePDF 1.12MB
Ninth Report: Tax avoidance – GooglePDF 1.04MB
Thirty-fourth Report: HMRC Tax Collection: Annual Report and Accounts 2012–13PDF 1.30MB

Session 2014–15

Third Report: Tax reliefsPDF 168KB
Eighteenth Report: HMRC's progress in improving tax compliance and preventing tax avoidancePDF 192KB
Thirty-eighth Report: Tax avoidance: the role of large accountancy firms (follow-up)PDF 148KB
Forty-ninth Report: The effective management of tax reliefsPDF 296KB
Fiftieth Report: Improving tax collectionPDF 400KB

Session 2015–16

Sixth Report: HM Revenue and Customs performance in 2014–15PDF 248KB
Twenty-fifth Report: Corporate tax settlementsPDF 272KB
Supplementary: Background of the prior PAC hearings with Google
Thirty-fourth Report: Tackling tax fraudPDF 316KB

Session 2017–19

First Report: Tackling online VAT fraud and errorPDF 752KB