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Estimate memoranda

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 34 (page 1 of 2)
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimates Memorandum 2023–24
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimates Memorandum 2023–24 Data Annex
Estimate memoranda
Main Estimates Memorandum (2023-24): Northern Ireland Office
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Main Estimates Memorandum (2023-24) Data Annex
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimate Memorandum 2022-23
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimate 2022-23
Estimate memoranda
Annex to Northern Ireland Office - Supplementary Estimates Memorandum (2022-23)
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Main Estimates memorandum (2022-23)
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office - Supplementary Estimates Memorandum (2021-22)
Estimate memoranda
Annex to Northern Ireland Office - Supplementary Estimates Memorandum (2021-22)
Estimate memoranda
Main Estimates memorandum (2021-22): Northern Ireland Office
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Main Estimates memorandum (2020-21)
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimate 2019-20: Estimates Memorandum
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimate 2019-20
Estimate memoranda
Correspondence from Sir Jonathan Stephens KCB, Permanent Secretary Northern Ireland Office, regarding additional information on Northern Ireland Supplementary Estimates for 2018-19, 24 April 2019
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Main Estimates 2019-20: Estimates memorandum
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimate Memorandum 2018-19
Estimate memoranda
Letter from Sir Jonathan Stephens KCB, Permanent Under-Secretary, Northern Ireland Office, regarding Northern Ireland Office Main Estimate 2018-19, 19 April 2018
Estimate memoranda
Northern Ireland Office Supplementary Estimates Memorandum 2018-19
Estimate memoranda
Correspondence to Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, relating to the NIO Supplementary Estimate laid by the Department on 28 February 2018
Estimate memoranda
Total results 34 (page 1 of 2)