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Integrated education inquiry launched by Committee

1 December 2023

Only around 7% of children in Northern Ireland attend schools in which Catholics and Protestant pupils are formally integrated.

Yet a recent poll showed that two in three in NI favour such integration. While a law passed in Stormont last year instructs NI’s Department of Education to come up with a plan to encourage and support integration, it is unclear how effective this measure is likely to be.  

Just £111 million of Northern Ireland’s £1.38 billion education budget was spent on integrated education in 2021.

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee’s new inquiry will examine the cost and implications of the current two-track system, of an expansion of integrated education, and outcomes for pupils and NI society.

Chair's comment

Sir Robert Buckland MP, the Committee’s new Chair said:

"Despite having public backing and the legislation to support them, integrated schools in Northern Ireland, with students from both Protestant and Catholic backgrounds, remain rare.

In new legislation last year, Stormont committed to the development of integrated education in Northern Ireland. With this new inquiry, we aim to find out what this looks like and establish the policy choices that will face Northern Ireland’s Department for Education as they turn to implementation of their plans. Without a functioning Executive, we hope to keep the wheels turning on this policy agenda so it can hit the ground running when Stormont returns."

Terms of Reference

The Committee invites evidence submissions on its website on the following questions before the end of 18 January 2024:  

  1. What is the current and anticipated demand for integrated school places?
  2. Why has the supply of integrated education not matched demand; and what mechanisms might be used to do so?
  3. What does it cost to maintain two types of education provision, and what other areas of education could efficiency savings be spent on, for example SEN?
  4. How do the costs and benefits of integrated education compare with those of other forms of education in NI?
  5. What are the potential implications of increased integrated education for pupil outcomes and society in general in Northern Ireland?
  6. What effect has recent legislation had on the status of integrated education?
  7. How does support for integrated education map on to the demography of Northern Ireland? 

Further information

Image: Pixabay