Committee to publish new report: “Readiness for storms ahead? Critical national infrastructure in an age of climate change”
26 October 2022
The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy will publish its Report — Readiness for storms ahead? Critical national infrastructure in an age of climate change — on Thursday 27 October 2022 at 00.01am.
- Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy
- Inquiry: Critical national infrastructure and climate adaptation
This will be the Committee’s First Report of Session 2022–23 (HC 132, HL 74).
The Report will be made available on the Committee’s website, on Thursday 27 October at 00.01am. Copies may be purchased from the Houses of Parliament Shop (12 Bridge Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 2JX; 020 7219 3890).
Note to readers: this Report was agreed on 17 October, before the Government was formed under the new Prime Minister, Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP
Further information
Image: PA