Members Estimate Committee publishes its First report of Session
30 July 2018
The Members Estimate Committee (MEC) publishes its First Report of 2017–19.
- Consolidated list of provisions of the Resolutions of the House relating to expenditure charged to the Estimate for House of Commons: Members as at 16 July 2018 (PDF 747KB)
- Consolidated list of provisions of the Resolutions of the House relating to expenditure charged to the Estimate for House of Commons: Members as at 16 July 2018
Under the terms of Standing Order No. 152D the Committee is required to report to the House from time to time the provisions of the resolutions of the House relating to expenditure charged to the Estimate for House of Commons: Members. This is a combined report covering the financial years 2017/18 and 2018/19.
The functions of the MEC include:
- agreeing the size of the Members Estimate before it is laid before the House by the Treasury
- codifying and keeping under review the provisions of the Resolutions of the House relating to expenditure charged to the Estimate
- modifying those provisions in the interests of clarity, consistency, accountability and effective administration, and conformity with current circumstances.
Further information
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